1.左旋c粉1g 2.玫瑰水10cc 

DIY左旋C面膜 (剛敷上去會有刺痛,刺痛超過1分鐘要立即沖洗)
 1.左旋C粉1/4湯匙 2.玫瑰水10ml 

1.玻尿酸20cc 2.玫瑰水80cc


1.玻尿酸原液50ml 2.保濕化妝水50ml

1.玻尿酸1%原液10cc 2.玻瑰水10cc

1.花水(適合自己膚質)90cc 2.玻尿酸10cc 3.抗菌劑0.6~1 cc 

DIY定妝水 (皮膚乾性不易吃妝時,此定妝水讓你妝不容易掉)
 1.矽靈50ml 2.維他命E油1/4湯匙 3.維他命A油1/4湯匙 

 1.抗斑植物萃取液10cc 2.化妝水90cc

 1.藥用酒精40ml 2.玫瑰花水25ml 3.橙花水25ml 4.Tween20或甘油5ml

1.透明皂基或家用香皂60g 2.甘油10ml 3.蒸餾水100ml 4.薰衣草精油30滴




The A-Z of Friendship..( v ery nice)
A Friend is.... 朋友就是 ....

Accepts you as you are 接受原本的你
Believes in "you" 相信你這個人
Calls you just to say "Hi" 打電話給你就是想說聲"嗨"
Doesn't give up on you 從不放棄對你的信心
Envisions the whole of you 預期你總是盡全力

Forgives your mistakes 原諒你的過錯
Gives unconditionally 無條件地過錯
Helps you 幫助你
Invites you over 邀請你
Jest "be" with you 靜靜地在你的身旁
Keeps you close at heart 靠近你的心

Loves you for who you are 因你原來的樣子而愛你
Makes a difference in your life 使你的生活與以往不同
Never judges 不間斷
Offers support 支持你
Picks you up 扶你一把
Quiets your fears 止息你的懼怕

Raises your spirits 鼓舞你的心靈
Says nice things about you 跟別人述說你好的那一面
Tells you the truth when you need to hear it 當需要時會告訴你實情
Understands you 懂你
Values you 看重你

Walks beside you 與你同行
X-plain things you don't understand 解你的疑惑
Yells when you won't listen aXnd 在你聽不下時會大吼一下
Zaps you back to reality 把你拉回現實
A..B..C..D.......Z----send to your friend!!!


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